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Ever wonder what a la Florentine means on a menu? It means the dish contains spinach. Find out why along with plenty of delicious spinach recipes to love.Read more
Small but mighty, sprouted vegetables pack an enormous and delicious nutritional wallop for their size.Read more
What makes a tangelo different from a tangerine, mandarin, or orange? It's a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit.Read more
Mangos are said to be the most widely consumed fruit in the world. Are you eating your share?Read more
Co-op education: you know it's going well when kids want the recipe for rutabaga stew. Check out the great work by Midwest Food Connection.Read more
Gardening with kids gives them many gifts, including learning where food comes from and how delicious fresh food tastes.Read more
Every Thursday, I drive to a warehouse in a shady looking industrial area next to the railroad tracks —to meet my ‘connection.’Read more
Why limit fruits and veggies to your backyard garden when they can be integrated into the landscape?Read more
With its juicy texture, tropical flavor and refreshing scent, grapefruit is a natural pick-me-up for your senses.Read more
Whether you prefer robust or milder flavors, there's a cabbage recipe for you—from coleslaw to sauerkraut and stews.Read more
Given the complexity of people’s lives, it is easy to see why we eat on auto-pilot.Read more
There is nothing quite like a freshly baked loaf or bun, still warm from the oven.Read more
There’s no magic bullet for expanding a kid’s palate, but there are plenty of things you can do to make it more likely.Read more
Mushrooms—numbering in the thousands of varieties—add distinctive, earthy, "umami" flavor to all manner of dishes.Read more
For a small veggie, the radish delivers big in taste and appearance. Learn more about this prized pungent prized produce pick.Read more
Luscious peaches are arguably the perfect fruit. Little wonder "peachy" is used to describe something being just right.Read more
Juicy roasted chicken is full of delicious potential for five quick and easy lunches for the week.Read more
That fresh, organic food co-ops sell is more than wildly delicious, it’s helping to slow climate change.Read more
The carrot colored flesh was crisp at first, a yielding crunch which then gave way to a marvelous sweetness, almost butterscotch. It went down easy and left...Read more
Ypsilanti Food Co-op’s local honey project spreads the word about Concern for Community in the sweetest possible way!Read more
