This simple, fast dish is a vegetarian's delight, silky with coconut milk and flecked with spices and fresh cilantro.Read more
No need to sacrifice flavor in this delicious dairy-free apple pie. A whole wheat crust and unpeeled apples gives this pie a nutritional boost (and makes preparation even easier!).Read more
Japan's most popular soup get's little attention in America, yet this simple, delicious, versatile soup has so much to offer.Read more
Stash some of this emerald sauce in ice cube trays and freeze. Then add to dishes when your garden full of basil is just a memory.Read more
The rich, sweet, tomato flavor concentrates in these little jewels. Store them away for winter if you can wait that long!Read more
This jewel toned sweet slaw is a beautiful, refreshing and delicious. A great recipe for beet fans and beet hesitators alike.Read more
This aromatic Indian curry is easy to make and delicious with basmati rice, naan and a side of cucumber raita.Read more
Tabouli shouts summer with its refreshing mint and parsley, sour lemon and nutty bulgur wheat.Read more
Tofu drinks up full flavored jerk sauce and pairs wonderfully with the sweetness of baked pineapple.Read more
Lively colors and fresh flavors make this a simply delightful appetizer.Read more