
Liz McMann

Liz McMann is an in-store consultant with National Co+op Grocers (NCG) and the former Consumer Affairs Manager at Mississippi Market Natural Foods Co-op in Saint Paul, MN. She holds a master’s degree in holistic health studies from St. Catherine University and is a Master Food Preserver through UW-Extension. In her spare time Liz likes to garden, cook, make lists, hang with her step kids, and do yoga while listening to gangsta rap.

Sure, freezing foods isn’t as sexy as canning or as hip as fermenting. But it's a practical way to preserve fresh produce.
Fermenting pickles isn’t tough and doesn’t require much equipment. You probably already have all the equipment you need!
Stash some of this emerald sauce in ice cube trays and freeze. Then add to dishes when your garden full of basil is just a memory.
The rich, sweet, tomato flavor concentrates in these little jewels. Store them away for winter if you can wait that long!