fair trade

October is a special month for food co-ops — We're celebrating Co-op Month and Fair Trade Month!Read more
Trade isn’t just the exchange of goods and money. It affects real people all over the world. Learn more from Fairtrade America and Central Co-op.Read more
Fairtrade America collaborated with Wheatsville Food Co-op and local Austin artist, J Muzacz, to create a mural honoring three West African cocoa farmersRead more
Looking for fun at-home activities for bored kids? Download and print Co+op Explorers coloring and activity sheets.Read more
Food co-ops are proud to partner with La Riojana Cooperative, the largest certified fair trade wine and olive oil cooperative in Argentina, to bring our...Read more
Working together, food co-ops are influencing the natural foods industry to reduce climate impact by fostering a friendly competition!Read more
Is there anything coconut can’t fix? Learn how we can help slow climate change by buying sustainably sourced tropical foods.Read more
Find out how buying fair trade truffles and cashews at your co-op benefits farmers recovering from devastating floods in Kerala, India.Read more
Most people appreciate a food gift, but everyone enjoys a good story. When you give a fair trade gift, they get both. Great food + inspiring stories = happy...Read more
Gratitude feels good! Pay it forward this Thanksgiving and incorporate fair trade products from the co-op in your holiday feast. Eat well, do good—pass it on!Read more
