quick and easy

Chicken and Pea Salad
Chicken salad is much more interesting with the addition of crisp snap peas and sweet English peas.Read more
Grilled Strawberries
Summer berries take on a hint of smoke from the grill and a little drama from the sear marks.Read more
Banana Oat Cookies
When you crave a little something sweet without a lot of butter or sugar, try these chewy, chocolaty bites.Read more
Mango and Coconut Rice
After a spicy meal, have a light, fruity bite of coconut rice and mango.Read more
Carrot Top and Pepita Spread
Don’t throw those carrot tops away — not when you can make this peppery, savory spread.Read more
Why eat plain scrambled eggs when you can make this colorful, Mediterranean-inspired breakfast instead?Read more
Baby Bok Choy in Black Bean Sauce
When you see those cute baby bok choy at the co-op, do you know what to do with them?Read more
Strawberry Lassi
A cool, creamy sweet lassi is a welcome contrast to spicy curries and delicious as a breakfast or snack.Read more
Lebanese Cabbage Salad
Take a break from your usual coleslaw and try this minty, jalapeno-kissed cabbage salad.Read more
Cranberry Mandarin Sauce
This bright red sauce, studded with jewels of orange, looks beautiful in a bowl or on a plate.Read more
