

Co+op represents a network of community-owned grocery stores across the country. Unlike corporate chains, each co-op is totally independent and owned by the community members who shop. Co-ops are on a mission to make sure everyone has access to healthy, delicious food. Find us on Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest.

By: Co+op
Limiting sweets and making healthier sweet choices can be a healthy move but it doesn’t have to mean neglecting your sweet tooth. Some sweeteners are better than others.
By: Co+op
The most often-asked questions in the health food world may well be related to soyfoods. But soyfoods aren't nearly as mysterious as they look, and they can be downright tasty, too.
Three happy cows in the pasture
By: Co+op
How does that beef patty go from farm to fridge—and what goes into it? We break it down.
By: Co+op
It's hard to imagine why many of us aren't eating enough fruit. What other food satisfies our nutrient needs and our sweet tooth with so many options?
By: Co+op
For pure sensory pleasure while grocery shopping, nothing beats the produce aisle.
By: Co+op
Find resources to learn more about food production, food choices, and the connections between food, health, and planet.
By: Co+op
Today, the vast majority of U.S. food is produced by an industrial system that churns out commodity crops. But now, more than ever, people are showing interest in finding local, sustainable alternatives.
Smiling employee at the co-op
By: Co+op
You're at the checkout, and you forgot your reusable shopping bags. Do you choose paper or plastic?
